Website publisher:

Groupe Berkem (SAS)
Share capital: €2,055,153.80
Siret: 481 604 197 RCS Bordeaux
Registered office: 20 rue Jean Duvert – 33290 Blanquefort, France
Phone number: 05 64 31 06 60
E-mail address: groupeberkem@berkem.com

Publication manager:

Mr. Olivier FAHY – groupeberkem@berkem.com

Website host:

WP Engine
Irongate House, 22-30 Duke’s Place
London, EC3A 7LP United Kingdom

Access to and use of the website and the information it contains are governed by the provisions set forth below and by the applicable laws and regulations under French law. By accessing and browsing the website, the user (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) unconditionally accepts the following terms.


Groupe Berkem undertakes to make its best efforts to ensure that the website is accessible at all times and reserves the right to make any changes to its content it deems necessary without prior notice. Groupe Berkem cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, or completeness of the information available on the website, and such information does not constitute a warranty or commitment on the part of Groupe Berkem to the User. In particular, Groupe Berkem disclaims any liability in the event of difficulties accessing the website or interruptions to the connection, regardless of their causes. The User agrees to access the website using recent equipment that is virus-free and with an up-to-date, modern browser.

Groupe Berkem shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages, regardless of their causes, origins, nature, or consequences, arising from access to the website, the inability to access it, or the use of the website by the User.

Groupe Berkem implements measures to ensure the security of files created from the personal data collected on the website. However, it is noted that Groupe Berkem does not control the risks related to the functioning of the Internet.


Unless otherwise stated, the website as a whole, along with its components (names, corporate names, logos, trademarks, visuals, photographs, videos, texts, etc.), is protected under copyright and other intellectual or industrial property rights. These elements may not be used, copied, adapted, reproduced, or distributed in any way or for any reason without the prior written authorization of Groupe Berkem.

The use of all or part of the website, particularly through downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation, or distribution for purposes other than personal and private use by the User for non-commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited. Violating these provisions subjects the offender to the penalties provided under the Intellectual Property Code, particularly for copyright infringement (Article L.335-3), trademark infringement (Article L.716-9), and under the Civil Code for civil liability (Article 9, Articles 1240 and subsequent).


Groupe Berkem shall not be held liable for the purpose, inaccessibility, and/or content of third-party websites linked to its own via hyperlinks that are not directly controlled by Groupe Berkem.


In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, and the European Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, the User has the right to access, rectify, limit processing, port, and oppose their personal data, subject to proof of identity.

To exercise these rights, the User must make a written request via email: groupeberkem@berkem.com or by mail to the following address: Groupe Berkem, 20 rue Jean Duvert – 33290 Blanquefort, France.


Groupe Berkem reserves the right to make any modifications it deems necessary to its website and its versions without prior notice. Such changes are deemed unconditionally accepted by any User who accesses the website after their publication.